- spring-boot-starter-web - preferred for Web Applications and Rest web services.
- contains dependencies - spring-boot-starter-tomcat, spring-web, spring-webmvc, hibernate-validator, spring-boot-starter-json so on..
- These dependencies are automatically provided.
- spring-boot-starter-test - testing frameworks
- junit, assertj, Mockito etc..
- spring-boot-starter-jpa - for Databases
- hibernate-core, hibernate-jpa, jpa, orm, etc..
- spring-boot-starter-web-services - SOAP WebServices
- spring-boot-starter-data- rest - Expose simple REST Services using spring data REST.
- spring-boot-starter-security - Authentication and Authorization using Spring Security.
- spring-boot-starter-jetty
- spring-boot-starter-log4j2
- spring-boot-starter-actuator
- brings in lot of monitoring, exposes lot of rest services.(get hal-browser dependency if needed.)
- launch actuator - localhost:8080/actuator
- to get more info from actuator - put this in application.properties
Also, look at awesome dependency of spring-boot-devtools
More info on spring-boot-starters - Click Here